Get a Dump | MetaInfo

ASTER::EXPRESSION::JSON::Get a Dump using JSON Pointer

Get a JSON Dump or Meta info as String.

ExStrAsDumpPPJsp( "ASTER", "/CruelSummer", 4 )

Obtain a stringified dump from the path specified location using JSON Pointer.

If obtaining the dump from the root, the root segment can be omitted and specified as an empty string.

Rule Param
Obtain a JSON dump from the specified JSON Pointer. “/test”
If an empty string is entered, it is automatically considered as root. ""
If a single character is entered, it is automatically considered as root. “a”
If “meta” is entered, obtain the meta information about the library. “meta”

Parameter.1 : JSON Pointer

If a non-existent path is specified as a parameter, an error message is displayed.

In the case of ignoring error notifications settings, errors will not be displayed, and if a specific action for the error is necessary, the immediate execution condition " JSON Pointer Error" can be utilized.

Parameter.2 : Level indent for Pretty-Print JSON

For better readability when obtaining the dump output, use space-based indentation.

  • This also applies when outputting meta information.

Indentation should be a number greater than or equal to 1, with a recommended value of 4.

Numbers less than 0 will not be reflected in the result.