
  • New Blank JSON

    Create a New blank JSON object in memory.

  • Load from a File (TEXT)

    Charger les données d'un fichier JSON.

  • Save to a File

    Save the JSON data from memory to a file (choose either Text or MessagePack format).

  • Cre. Arr: Data Auto Fill

    Create a new array, with data auto-fill options

  • Cre. Array: Boolean

    Creating a One-Dimensional Array Filled with Boolean Values

  • Cre. Arr. RGX Ex.Subm.

    Exporting Submatches Obtained from Exact Match Search in Regular Expressions to a JSON Array

  • Cre. Arr. RGX Pa.Subm.

    Exporting Submatches Obtained from Partial Match Search in Regular Expressions to a JSON Array

  • Cre. 2D-Arr: Oi Info

    Create a new two-dimensional array and store instance information in it.

  • Set Targeted JSON Pointer

    ターゲット JSON Pointer の設定

  • Targeted Array :: Overwrite > Set the Val As Bool

    Boolean として配列へ値上書き

  • Targeted Array :: push_back String


  • Create New 2D-Array with Tgt Oi's Xy Coords

    新規二次元配列の作成、MvtUtil、Target の Xy 座標

  • Create New 2D-Array with Pursuer Oi's Xy Coords

    新規二次元配列の作成、MvtUtil、Pursuer の Xy 座標

  • Create New 1D-Array with Mvt Tgt Oi FixVal

    新規一次元配列、選択された Target の固定値を配列へ挿入

  • Create New 1D-Array with Mvt Pursuer Oi FixVal

    新規一次元配列、選択された Pursuer の固定値を配列へ挿入

  • Targeted JSON Pointer :: Batch Assignment for Oi Alt Values[n]

    インスタンスの Alterable Values[n] に数値を代入

  • Targeted JSON Pointer :: Batch Assignment for Oi Alt String[n]

    インスタンスの Alt String[n] に文字列を代入

  • Targeted JSON Pointer :: Batch Assignment for Oi Flag[n]

    インスタンスの Flag[n] に真偽値を代入

  • JSON Pointer :: OverWrite with a Boolean

    値を Boolean で上書き

  • Overwrite with Sequential (2D-Array Only)
