There are unsupported control characters. Only newlines are supported in ASTER Version 1.0.0.
Please ensure this option is set to Off if you do not want to send control characters.
About Default Setting
Control Characters are Off by default and this option is used to bypass the CF25 specifications when you want to use control characters in the replacement string with REGEX.
When sending control characters from the CF25 interface to “ASTER”, CF25 implicitly escapes the string and passes it to the extension, causing an issue where control characters cannot be sent.
There are multiple control characters. For example, in the case of the newline character code, in Windows OS, it is \r\n. When sent by CF25, the ASCII table 0x0d 0x0a is converted to 0x5c 0x72 0x5c 0x6e, transforming the control characters into a string.
When Control Characters Flag are turned on, the escaped string sent from CF25 is reconverted into control characters on the extension side.
Recommend not changing the property settings, but instead setting the flag as needed during the application’s runtime and disabling it after use.
ACTION:: Toggle Flag - Control Characters
ACTION :: REGEX :: Toggle Flag - Control Characters
This option can be cumbersome for purposes other than sending control characters.
Therefore, rather than changing the setting from Properties, it is intended to temporarily enable the option during the timing of using control characters while the application is running and turn it off with a toggle switch after sending.
Usage Notice ( ASTER Version 1.0.0 )
The supported control characters are two types: “CarriageReturn” = \r and “LineFeed” = \n .