Case Sensitivity
The check box is unchecked by default.
Optional settings used in REGEX.
Determines whether the search is case-sensitive | case-insensitive.

ASTER::Properties::Case-Sensitivity Flag
When using Regex.Replace to change E
to A
in the sample string SeGE
, you can choose whether to treat the uppercase E
and lowercase e
as identical for the search. This can be selected from the Case Sensitivity option.
Example in Action.1
Case Sensitivity Checkbox is Off by default.
When it is off of checkbox, uppercase and lowercase letters are distinguished, and E
and e
are differentiated during the search.
flowchart LR A(SeGE) --> B[ Replace E with A ] B[ Replace E with A ] --> |Result|C[SeGA]
Example in Action.2
Here is an example of operation when the Case Sensitivity checkbox is On.
flowchart LR A(SeGE) --> B[ Replace e or E with A ] B[ Replace e or E with A ] --> |Result|C[SAGA]
Uppercase and lowercase letters are not distinguished, and both e
and E
are subject to conversion.
ACTION :: REGEX :: Toggle Flag - Case-Sensitivity
Since there is a toggle switch command for the Case Sensitivity setting, the setting can be dynamically changed during the execution of the application, not just from properties.

ASTER::ACTION::REGEX::Toggle Flag - Case Sensitivity