Align instances using the circumference

ASTER::ACTION::ALIGN::the Circumference of Circle

place in a circular arrangement

During the execution of the CF25 application, the coordinates of the selected object instance are aligned and modified.

Only sprite (Active) object types can be selected.


Select the object instance. Only the "Active (sprite) Object" Type can select.

Description of the image

If "The Active Object" is not specified, an error will be displayed when executing the action from the event, and the process will be aborted.


" 100, 200,  50,  50,  +10,  +10,  +0, +72, true "
index Name Data Type Detail
0 Center X int Center X pos of Circle
1 Center Y int Center Y
2 Radius 1 unsigned int Radius X ( semi-major axis )
3 Radius 2 unsigend int Radius Y ( semi-minor axis )
4 GrowRad 1 int GrowRadius Value 1
5 GrowRad 2 int GrowRadius Value 2
6 Setup ∠ int Startup Angle
7 Step ∠ int Step Angle
8 Anim Frame boolean Change Animation Frame Flag

Corresponds to the major axis and minor axis.

  • Can be aligned in an elliptical shape; the radii can be set with two values (major axis and minor axis).

  • GrowRad is a parameter for placing while enlarging or reducing the radius.

Setup Angle + ( Step Angle * Instance Sequential Number ) = Angle

  • Setup angle is the initial angle to start placement.

  • Step angle is the angle added to the Setup Angle based on the number of instances.


The Alignment function does Not use floating point numbers as parameters. Here is a sample as an Error。

Parameter Error Sample..

Parameters cannot be written without regard to data type.

Although some template parameters are compatible, the number of parameters is basically different, so please avoid diverting parameters to other templates without verifying the operation.

About Reserved Variables.. Read More

About Reserved Variables

From the object instance variables, the reserved variables are as follows:

  1. Alt Variable[0] = Spread ID

  2. Alt Variable[1] = Motion ID

The above variables are used.

Alt Variable[0]

Sequential number. The last object instance created on the frame editor is assigned 0, and then each instance is assigned a value incremented by +1 in order. It is safe to overwrite with any value.

Alt Variable[1]

Motion type. Values ranging from 0 to 4 are assigned according to the motion type at the time of registration. It is a magic number to speed up database searches. If changed, the controller will not be able to search correctly, which is dangerous.

From rev.0.9.x onward, a method of not using Alt Variable[1] has been tested, and it is not used now, but it may be reverted, so please treat Alt Variable[1] as a reserved variable.