Event Detection

Explanation of New Functions

Description of EventDetect

Various events that occur inside "ASTER" can be detected by the immediate execution condition of CF25.

In addition to the precise timing of the operation, it is possible to target and narrow down relevant information.

About Event Detect

The various functions of ASTER are composed of programs that internally detect the occurrence of event triggers and process them in a timely manner.

A simple example is the function to display an error message when a syntax error is detected with REGEX. This is a program that triggers the “error” event and immediately executes it. ASTER notifies CF25 of the error occurrence.

ASTER :: Show Error Message Windows
A Properties screen that determines whether or not a message is displayed when an error occurs. ASTER handles many events, but the collective term for the function that notifies the CF25 side of the specific event occurrence timing using immediate execution conditions is "Event Detect."

Upon detecting an event, CF25 is notified, and variable values and related information at the time the event occurs are provided simultaneously, creating a mechanism that facilitates functional coordination between ASTER and CF25.

What is the Immediate Execution Condition?

Regarding CF25’s conditional judgment, it corresponds to the feature commonly referred to as If Condition in development languages. It is a mechanism that compares variable values and checks for greater than, less than, or equality, and then executes branching processes based on the results.

The following is an example in C language.

int  a = 1;
int  b = 2;
bool c;
if (a < b) c = true;
else       c = false;

The execution of conditional judgments in CF25 has priorities, and “immediate execution conditions” are given precedence through interrupt processing.

Event Detect event trigger examples

Event Trigger Type Actions
Instance reaches specified Coordinates Motion Flip : Wrap
Reach specified angle Motion Orbital
There was a match in the regular expression. REGEX Match : Search
Target path specified in JSON JSON Targeted JSON Pointer

For example, immediate execution conditions triggered by these events can accurately inform CF25 of the timing of events occurring within ASTER.

At the same time, ASTER also shares the necessary information to identify instances and issue commands, such as fixed values of object instances and location information when events occur. By effectively utilizing these mechanisms, it becomes easy to create CF25 events synchronized with the timing of events that occurred within ASTER.

Instance information obtained at the timing of Event Detect

  • Instance xY-Coordinates information ( X | Y coordinates )

  • Fixed value of instance

ASTER :: Orbital Motion
Example of a creation producing an effect when the specified angle is reached at the time of event detection.

Event Detection List of Functions

The list is still incomplete.