I have started a new feature on my site titled ” Get to know the Clickteam user’s”
The reason for this is that I thought it would be nice to perhaps know a little more about the members here on the forum (nothing to personal of course)

Haven’t you ever wondered about certain members? like…”I wonder how old ______ is?” or “I wonder what_______ does in their other life?”
Ok, these may be bad examples but I’m sure you have questions you would like to ask some members or things you would like to know about them? Well that’s what I hope to attempt with this feature, so provided that there is an interest in this I hope to do one interview each month with a new member.

Now don’t get freaked out, this is not a video\voice interview but rather a documented interview between you and I and then posted for the rest of the community to view and comment on.

To get things started Marvin (nivram) has graciously agreed to do first interview and you can view it hereInterview with Marvin.
I can’t take all the credit for this because I had help with some of the question from other members (thanks to those that helped).

To help me with “who” to interview next I have a very small “Interview Request” form at the end of Marvin’s interview for anybody to fill out to leave their suggestions on who they would like to see interviewed and what questions you would like asked.

You can leave any comments about Marvins interview at the end of the interview by scrolling all the way to the bottom.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the interview.
(and no you don’t have to be a member of the site for any of this)

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